What makes a great Artificial Golden Cane Palm?

What makes a great Artificial Golden Cane Palm?

12th Sep 2022

Man holding a tall palm tree in a pot

There’s something about the Golden Cane Palm that screams tropical vacation, isn’t there? Is it the lush of the foliage with the thick, luscious arched leaves, or is it the wispy, feathery fronds? Well, whatever it might be, the Areca Palm has its own unique way of adding calmness and relaxation to any space.

But as you guessed right, there’s a big catch coming… A Golden Cane Palm doesn’t grow just anywhere.. Unfortunately, it’s not warm and humid like the tropics everywhere, plus, they can be quite finicky, asking for the perfect balance of sunlight, water and nutrients to truly flourish.

The good news though is that if you want to add that tropical vibe to your environment without having to deal with the headache of maintenance, there’s an excellent alternative - the artificial Golden Cane Palm. Artificial Golden Cane Palms have come a long way in recent years, with many options available that closely mimic the appearance and feel of their real-life counterparts. These faux plants can provide the same tropical ambiance, with none of the fuss and constant care that real plants require.

However, buying large artificial plants like the Areca Palm can be a tricky. There’s so much variety out there but very few that you’d actually want to buy! Obviously, you’d want one that looks as close to the real thing as possible – one that even a discerning eye wouldn’t be able to distinguish. The devil is in the details.

If you’re confused about how to pick the perfect faux Areca palm to adorn your space, never fear! We’ve put down a list of the distinguishing features that can help you make the right decision.

Features of a Good Artificial Golden Cane Palm Plant

Realistic leaves

Even though the Areca Palm is monochromatic, look for colour gradations – lighter, brighter, fresher leaves and darker old ones. Simulated veins on the leaves also enhance realness. A high-quality artificial plant will even include imperfections like partially dried leaf edges.

In addition to the color gradations and veins, also pay close attention to the texture of the leaves. They should be soft to touch and not feel overly plastic or artificial. High-quality materials like polyester can help achieve this realistic texture. Also, avoid plants that have glossy leaves - they just look tacky and phony, something you don’t want your artificial plants to be!

artificial Areca Palm tree leaves

Natural timber trunks

One thing to keep in mind is that the realism in large artificial plants comes not just from the leaves, but also from the stem and trunks. Look for fibrous, natural trunks that grow out of the soil in clusters and have a detailed texture and color gradation. Real Areca palms grow in clusters, so your faux palm tree should also have multiple trunks rather than a single one.

Plus, the trunks should have a natural taper to closely mimic the growth pattern of a real palm. They should be thicker at the base and gradually thin out towards the top. If the manufacturer has also included delicate root sheaths at the bottom, with dirt and artificial moss around the base, bingo! You’ve found the right one! You'll notice all these details on our Premium Trees here at Artificial Plant Shop.

Areca Palm tree trunks

Fronds with a natural, graceful arch

This is the defining quality of a real, healthy Area Palm tree, so ensure that the faux one you’re going for emulates it! The fronds should have a natural fall with a soft, feather-like appearance. Also, the fronds should be of varying lengths to give the plant a more organic, realistic appearance as opposed to a uniformed, manufactured look.

faux palm tree leaves

The leaves shouldn’t look transparent in the light

Ever seen those fake Golden Cane Palms that have that plasticky finish that makes them look transparent in the light? That screams fake, doesn’t it? With the intention of preventing sun damage, many manufacturers make large artificial plants with a UV-resistant plastic material.

While this plastic does certainly reduce some of the fading caused by UV radiations, they’re not necessarily the best option to go for if you want your artificial Golden Cane Palm to truly replicate its real counterparts. Go for the non UV-resistant variety and simply spray a UV protector (you can buy easily from your local hardware store). This way, you need to make no compromises either way! 

Plants with a natural asymmetry

Ever seen a real plant that’s perfectly symmetrical? Of course not! So, naturally, your artificial Golden Cane Palm should also be asymmetrical. Keep this in mind even while styling your plant – make one side slightly bushier than the other. Remember to keep the bushier side facing the source of natural light. This will convince even the most skeptical of visitors into believing that your fake Areca palm is actually real.

Travellers Palm 1.2m

travellers palm tree

Kentia Palm Tree 1.3m

artificial kentia palm tree

Areca Palm 1.9m real-touch

Areca Palm tree 1.9m

Multiple shoots of different heights and sizes

A real Golden Cane Palm grows, which means that at any point, there will be some shoots that are large and grown, some that are mid-way and others that have just shot up. An ultra-life-like artificial plant will mimic such details for added realism.

Real touch for the real feels

If you’re particular about getting the best there is, you’ll pay attention not just to the real look, but also the real feel. After all, you don’t want the plasticky feel to give away your artificial Golden Cane Palm! High quality artificial plants are made of latex - a material that doesn’t just look like the real leaves, but also feels like them. Check for these real-touch artificial plants while looking for the perfect faux Areca Palm to adorn your home or office.

Heavy & Sturdy Base

A high-quality artificial Golden Cane Palm should have a heavy and sturdy base to give it stability and keep it upright. You don’t want your plant accidentally knocked over to reveal its fakeness. After all, a real plant that’s this big wouldn’t be able to survive without a decently-sized pot, right? It wouldn’t be so flimsy as to drop so easily!

Ease of Maintenance

If the whole point of getting a fake Golden Cane Palm is for easy maintenance, isn’t it counterintuitive if your faux plant asks for a lot of exactly that - maintenance? Fake Plants made of materials like silk are like dust magnets that get dirty easily, and ask for frequent cleaning. A good faux plant is one made of materials like polyester or latex that don’t get dusty quickly. Plus, they’re also very easy to clean - all you need to do is wipe them down gently with a damp cloth. You can also wash them occasionally; try doing that with your silk plants and watch them ruin instantly.

Some additional points to consider while buying your faux Golden Cane Palm

Look for variety in size options

A great artificial Areca Palm will be available in a number of different sizes to accommodate different spaces and design needs. Whether it’s a small table-top variety or a large statement-worthy plant, having a number of different sizes available will ensure you find the perfect fake to decorate your space.

Don’t simply compromise price for quality

When it comes to artificial plants, remember that you get what you pay for. You’ll easily find faux Golden Cane Palms for $20-30 in home decor stores, but they won’t give you the quality and detailing you’re after. If you want a faux plant that looks exactly like the real one, it might be worth it investing in a high-quality, premium fake, rather than a cheap, tacky one that has no point.

Testimonials and positive reviews from customers

If you want to take the extra step to make sure you’re getting a fake Golden Cane Palm that can replace a real one, check out the product’s customer reviews. This way, you’re not just believing the seller's marketing, you can actually hear about what people like you think of the faux plant you’re considering buying.

If you’re buying online, checking out customer reviews might be especially useful. Some customers also put up real-life photographs that can help you get a more accurate idea of what the plant looks like in real life against the enhanced and Photoshopped images you see on the online store.

Customer service also counts

There’s no two ways around this - a high-quality Plant must come with high-quality service. A company that values its customers and stands behind its products will make the entire purchasing process an enjoyable and stress-free experience.

You don’t want sellers that hide behind their keyboards, you want those that can help you with all your questions about plant specifications, materials, assembly and care instructions so you can make informed decisions. Also, who doesn’t like efficient shipping and delivery! Every customer would like their plant to arrive on time, well-packaged and in good condition. 

Make Sure You’re Getting the ‘Real’ Artificial Golden Cane Palm

Large artificial plants like the Golden Cane Palm are golden in any space but only so long as they give the same vibe as the real ones. Can a fake-looking faux plant capture the essence of the tropics and bring it into your space? It’s unlikely.

In order to bring in that beauty and tranquility of the tropics you’re after, you need high-quality, realistic-looking Areca Palms that are exact replicas of the real ones. Even if it means paying extra for realistic artificial plants, realism isn’t a compromise you want to make. Not if you want a stunning, low-maintenance addition to your home or office, that keeps that vibe alive for years to come!

With the above points in mind, we hope that you’re able to judge a good Golden Cane Palm from the average, and make sure you’re getting the ‘real’ deal. After all, what is the point of fake-looking fake plants, right